- Murrieta Valley Unified School District
- Board Policies Index
- Board Policies: 5000 - 9000
Board Policies and Bylaws
Board Policies Index System
- BP 0000 - BP 4000 - Philosophy, Goals, Community Relations, Administration, Business & Operations, Personnel
- BP 5000 - Students
- BP 6000 - Instruction
- BP 7000 - Facilities
- BB 9000 - Bylaws of the Board
Title Document Date Concepts and Roles BP 5000 03/13/97 Parent Rights and Responsibilities BP 5020 06/25/09 Parent Rights and Responsibilities AR 5020 06/25/09 Noncustodial Parents BP 5021 10/09/14 Student and Family Privacy Rights BP 5022 12/11/18 Student and Family Privacy Rights AR 5022 12/11/18 Student Wellness BP 5030 05/09/19 Admission BP 5111 02/10/21 Admission AR 5111 05/11/23 District Residency BP 5111.1 05/10/18 District Residency AR 5111.1 05/10/18 Nonresident Foreign Students AR 5111.2 01/16/14 Exemptions From Attendance BP 5112.1 06/09/22 Exemptions From Attendance AR 5112.1 06/09/22 Exclusion from Attendance AR 5112.2 04/16/20 Students Leave of Absence BP 5112.3 02/12/20 Students Leave of Absence AR 5112.3 02/12/20 Open/Closed Campus BP 5112.5 06/09/22 Absences and Excuses BP 5113 10/24/23 Absences and Excuses AR 5113 10/24/23 Chronic Absence and Truancy BP 5113.1 04/16/20 Chronic Absence and Truancy AR 5113.1 04/16/20 Attendance Supervision AR 5113.11 03/12/20 District School Attendance Review Board BP 5113.12 03/12/20 District School Attendance Review Board AR 5113.12 03/12/20 Work Permits BP 5113.2 01/21/21 Work Permits AR 5113.2 01/21/21 School Attendance Boundaries BP 5116 01/15/09 Intradistrict Open Enrollment BP 5116.1 01/21/21 Intradistrict Open Enrollment AR 5116.1 01/21/21 Involuntary Student Transfers BP 5116.2 01/21/21 Interdistrict Attendance BP 5117 06/09/22 Interdistrict Attendance AR 5117 01/21/21 Students Expelled From Other Districts BP 5119 10/09/03 Students Expelled from Other Districts AR 5119 10/09/03 Grades/Evaluation of Student Achievement BP 5121 06/09/22 Grades/Evaluation of Student Achievement AR 5121 06/09/22 Promotion/Acceleration/Retention BP 5123 04/16/20 Promotion/Acceleration/Retention AR 5123 04/16/20 Student Records BP 5125 01/24/19 Student Records AR 5125 12/11/18 Release of Directory Information BP 5125.1 12/11/18 Release of Directory Information AR 5125.1 01/24/19 Challenging Student Records AR 5125.3 01/21/21 Awards for Achievement BP 5126 02/10/21 Awards for Achievement AR 5126 02/10/21 Graduation Ceremonies and Activities BP 5127 10/10/19 Conduct BP 5131 03/11/21 Bus Conduct BP 5131.1 02/10/21 Bus Conduct AR 5131.1 02/10/21 Bullying BP 5131.2 11/08/18 Bullying AR 5131.2 04/16/20 Student Disturbances BP 5131.4 03/12/20 Student Disturbances AR 5131.4 03/12/20 Vandalism and Graffiti BP 5131.5 02/10/22 Alcohol and Other Drugs BP 5131.6 03/11/21 Alcohol and Other Drugs AR 5131.6 03/11/21 Tobacco/Electronic Smoking Devices BP 5131.62 03/11/21 Weapons and Dangerous Instruments BP 5131.7 03/11/21 Weapons and Dangerous Instruments AR 5131.7 10/13/22 Mobile Communication Devices BP 5131.8 03/11/21 Academic Honesty BP 5131.9 02/10/21 Dress and Grooming BP 5132 10/10/19 Dress and Grooming AR 5132 10/10/19 Gangs BP 5136 06/05/97 Gangs AR 5136 06/05/97 Positive School Climate BP 5137 10/25/18 Health Care and Emergencies BP 5141 09/19/19 Health Care and Emergencies AR 5141 09/19/19 Administering Medication and Monitoring Health Conditions BP 5141.21 12/14/21 Administering Medication and Monitoring Health Conditions AR 5141.21 12/14/21 Infectious Diseases BP 5141.22 01/21/21 Infectious Disease Prevention AR 5141.22 01/21/21 Asthma Management BP 5141.23 03/11/10 Asthma Management AR 5141.23 03/11/10 Food Allergies / Special Dietary Needs BP 5141.27 03/11/21 Food Allergies / Special Dietary Needs AR 5141.27 03/11/21 Health Examinations BP 5141.3 05/09/90 Immunizations BP 5141.31 11/13/14 Immunizations AR 5141.31 11/13/14 Health Screening for School Entry BP 5141.32 11/13/14 Head Lice BP 5141.33 12/11/14 Head Lice AR 5141.33 12/11/14 Child Abuse Prevention and Reporting BP 5141.4 06/09/22 Child Abuse Prevention and Reporting AR 5141.4 06/09/22 Suicide Prevention BP 5141.52 08/10/17 Suicide Prevention AR 5141.52 08/10/17 Safety BP 5142 11/09/23 Safety AR 5142 11/09/23 Student Use of Bicycles BP 5142.3 08/25/94 Insurance BP 5143 05/09/90 Discipline BP 5144 01/21/21 Discipline AR 5144 01/21/21 Suspension and Expulsion/Due Process BP 5144.1 06/26/14 Suspension and Expulsion/Due Process AR 5144.1 06/26/14 Suspension and Expulsion/Due Process (Students with Disabilities) AR 5144.2 10/09/03 Questioning and Apprehension BP 5145.11 06/05/97 Questioning and Apprehension AR 5145.11 06/05/97 Search and Seizure BP 5145.12 02/10/21 Search and Seizure AR 5145.12 02/10/21 Response to Immigration Enforcement BP 5145.13 01/24/19 Response to Immigration Enforcement AR 5145.13 01/24/19 Freedom of Speech/Expression BP 5145.2 01/21/21 Freedom of Speech/Expression: Publications Code AR 5145.2 01/21/21 Nondiscrimination/Harassment BP 5145.3 02/06/19 Nondiscrimination/Harassment AR 5145.3 12/11/18 Parental Notifications BP 5145.6 01/15/15 Sexual Harassment BP 5145.7 03/23/23 Sexual Harassment AR 5145.7 03/23/23 Title IX Sexual Harassment Complaint Procedures AR 5145.71 03/23/23 Refusal to Harm or Destroy Animals AR 5145.8 06/09/22 Hate-Motivated Behavior BP 5145.9 01/24/19 Married/Pregnant/Parenting Students BP 5146 01/24/19 Dropout Prevention BP 5147 02/10/21 Child Care BP 5148 05/09/90 Instruction Title Document Date Concepts and Roles BP 6000 02/10/22 Academic Standards BP 6011 02/10/22 Parent Involvement BP 6020 10/11/18 Parent Involvement AR 6020 10/11/18 School Calendar BP 6111 11/17/05 School Day BP 6112 02/10/22 School Day AR 6112 03/17/22 Ceremonies and Observances BP 6115 02/09/95 Ceremonies and Observances AR 6115 02/09/95 Classroom Interruptions AR 6116 02/10/22 Curriculum Development and Evaluation BP 6141 02/10/21 Curriculum Development, Articulation, and Evaluation AR 6141 02/10/21 Recognition of Religious Beliefs and Customs BP 6141.2 05/09/90 International Baccalaureate Program BP 6141.4 02/10/21 Advanced Placement BP 6141.5 02/10/21 Multicultural Education BP 6141.6 05/09/90 Sexual Health and HIV/AIDS Prevention Instruction BP 6142.1 12/11/18 Sexual Health and HIV/AIDS Prevention Instruction AR 6142.1 12/11/18 AIDS Instruction BP 6142.2 05/09/90 Science Instruction BP 6142.3 05/09/90 Learning Through Community Service BP 6142.4 06/23/05 Physical Education BP 6142.7 06/18/20 Physical Education AR 6142.7 12/11/18 Comprehensive Health Education BP 6142.8 12/11/18 Comprehensive Health Education AR 6142.8 12/11/18 Reading/Language Arts Instruction BP 6142.91 11/17/05 Reading/Language Arts Instruction AR 6142.91 11/17/05 Courses of Study BP 6143 09/10/09 Courses of Study AR 6143 09/10/09 Controversial Issues BP 6144 12/11/18 Extracurricular and Cocurricular Activities BP 6145 06//09/22 Extracurricular and Cocurricular Activities AR 6145 11/08/18 Athletic Competition BP 6145.2 12/11/18 Athletic Competition AR 6145.2 12/11/18 Publications BP 6145.3 05/09/90 Student Organizations and Equal Access BP 6145.5 03/13/97 Student Organizations and Equal Access AR 6145.5 03/11/04 International Exchange BP 6145.6 10/22/92 International Exchange AR 6145.6 10/22/92 High School Graduation Requirements BP 6146.1 10/14/21 Alternative Credits Toward Graduation BP 6146.11 06/06/02 Alternative Credits Toward Graduation AR 6146.11 03/09/17 Certificate of Proficiency/High School Equivalency BP 6146.2 05/09/90 Certificate of Proficiency/High School Equivalency AR 6146.2 05/09/90 Reciprocity of Academic Credit BP 6146.3 06/05/03 Reciprocity of Academic Credit AR 6146.3 06/05/03 Differential Graduation and Competency Standard for Students with Disabilities BP 6146.4 02/10/22 Class Size BP 6151 01/16/03 Class Size AR 6151 01/16/03 Placement in Mathematics Courses BP 6152.1 08/11/06 School-Sponsored Trips BP 6153 12/14/17 School-Sponsored Trips AR 6153 12/14/17 Homework/Makeup Work BP 6154 06/09/22 Class Examinations/Challenging Courses By Examinations BP 6155 05/09/90 Class Examinations/Challenging Courses By Examinations AR 6155 05/09/90 Independent Study BP 6158 12/15/22 Independent Study AR 6158 12/15/22 Individualized Education Program BP 6159 12/11/18 Individualized Education Program AR 6159 12/11/18 Procedural Safeguards and Complaints for Special Education BP 6159.1 12/11/18 Procedural Safeguards and Complaints for Special Education AR 6159.1 12/11/18 Nonpublic Nonsectarian School and Agency Services for Special Education BP 6159.2 05/08/97 Nonpublic Nonsectarian School and Agency Services for Special Education AR 6159.2 05/08/97 Behavioral Interventions for Special Education Students BP 6159.4 06/05/97 Behavioral Interventions for Special Education Students AR 6159.4 06/05/97 Selection and Evaluation of Instructional Materials BP 6161.1 03/17/22 Selection and Evaluation of Instructional Materials AR 6161.1 02/08/24 Supplementary Instructional Materials BP 6161.11 03/17/22 Damaged or Lost Instructional Materials BP 6161.2 11/17/05 Student Assessment BP 6162.5 04/15/98 Student Assessment AR 6162.5 04/15/98 High School Exit Examination BP 6162.52 04/10/03 High School Exit Examination AR 6162.52 04/10/03 Use of Copyrighted Materials BP 6162.6 05/09/90 Use of Copyrighted Materials AR 6162.6 05/09/90 Instructional Resources for Teachers BP 6162.7 05/09/90 Research BP 6162.8 05/13/93 Research AR 6162.8 05/13/93 Library Media Centers BP 6163.1 11/17/05 Animals at School BP 6163.2 04/16/20 Animals at School AR 6163.2 04/16/20 Student Use of Technology BP 6163.4 06/25/09 Student Use of Technology AR 6163.4 06/25/09 Guidance/Counseling Services BP 6164.2 11/08/18 Identification and Evaluation of Individuals for Special Education BP 6164.4 05/08/97 Identification and Evaluation of Individuals for Special Education AR 6164.4 05/08/97 Identification, Evaluation and Education of Students Who are Qualified Disabled Persons within the Meaning of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 BP 6164.6 08/25/94 Identification, Evaluation and Education of Students Who are Qualified Disabled Persons within the Meaning of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 AR 6164.6 11/14/96 Transitional Kindergarten BP 6170.1 03/17/22 Title I Programs BP 6171 10/11/18 Title I Programs AR 6171 10/11/18 Gifted and Talented Student Program BP 6172 05/09/90 Education for Children Experiencing Homelessness BP 6173 02/10/22 Education for Children Experiencing Homelessness AR 6173 02/10/22 Education for Foster Youth BP 6173.1 04/17/14 Education for Foster Youth AR 6173.1 01/21/21 Education of Children of Military Families BP 6173.2 02/10/22 Education of Children of Military Families AR 6173.2 02/10/22 Education for English Language Learners BP 6174 11/08/18 Education for English Language Learners AR 6174 11/08/18 Weekend/Saturday Classes BP 6176 05/09/90 Summer/Intersession School BP 6177 11/17/05 Summer/Intersession School AR 6177 06/20/96 Career Technical Education BP 6178 12/10/09 Career Technical Education AR 6178 12/10/09 Regional Occupation Program/Center BP 6178.2 12/10/09 Supplemental Instruction BP 6179 11/17/05 Supplemental Instruction AR 6179 11/17/05 Home and Hospital Instruction AR 6183 10/14/21 Alternative Education BP 6184 01/18/18 Alternative Education AR 6184 01/18/18 Evaluation of the Instructional Program BP 6190 05/09/90 Criteria for Evaluation of Consolidated Programs BP 6191 05/09/90 Adult Education BP 6200 05/08/03 Adult Education AR 6200 02/08/24 Facilities Title Document Date Concepts and Roles BP 7000 02/12/19 Facilities Master Plan BP 7110 02/12/19 Relations with Local Agencies BP 7131 02/05/09 Architectural and Engineering Services BP 7140 12/09/10 Site Selection and Development BP 7150 02/05/09 Site Selection and Development AR 7150 02/05/09 Facilities Financing BP 7210 04/18/19 Developer Fees BP 7211 12/09/10 Mello-Roos Districts BP 7212 04/18/19 General Obligation Bonds BP 7214 04/18/19 Bylaws of the Board Title Document Date Role of the Board BB 9000 11/08/07 Governance Standards BB 9005 10/13/22 Board and Superintendent Protocols BB 9005.1 11/17/05 Public Statements BB 9010 01/18/18 Disclosure of Confidential/Privileged Information BB 9011 11/17/05 Board Member Electronic Communications BB 9012 05/13/21 Organization BB 9100 10/13/22 Terms of Office BB 9110 02/12/19 President BB 9121 09/14/17 Secretary BB 9122 11/17/05 Clerk BB 9123 01/18/18 Attorney BB 9124 01/18/18 Board Committees BB 9130 12/14/17 Board Representatives BB 9140 12/14/17 Student Board Members BB 9150 04/20/23 Superintendent's Student Advisory Council and Student Board Member AR 9150 05/11/23 Limits of Board Member Authority BB 9200 08/16/07 Governing Board Elections BB 9220 04/20/23 Resignation BB 9222 10/12/17 Filling Vacancies BB 9223 04/20/23 Oath or Affirmation BB 9224 05/14/09 Orientation BB 9230 09/14/17 Board Development BB 9240 11/08/17 Remuneration, Reimbursement, and Other Benefits BB 9250 12/11/18 Legal Protection BB 9260 11/08/07 Conflict of Interest BB 9270 06/16/22 Board Policies BB 9310 05/13/21 Meetings and Notices BB 9320 05/13/21 Closed Session BB 9321 10/24/19 Agenda/Meeting Materials BB 9322 08/25/22 Meeting Conduct BB 9323 04/20/23 Actions by the Board BB 9323.2 05/09/19 Board Minutes and Recordings BB 9324 02/12/19 Board Self-Evaluation BB 9400 03/08/18
Last Modified on October 11, 2024