- Murrieta Valley Unified School District
- Board Policies Index
- Board Policies: 0000 - 4000
Board Policies and Bylaws
Board Policies Index System
- BP 0000 - Philosophy, Goals, Objectives and Comprehensive Plans
- BP 1000 - Community Relations
- BP 2000 - Administration
- BP 3000 - Business and Non-Instructional Operations
BP 4000 - Personnel
BP 5000 - 9000 - Students, Instruction, Facilities, Bylaws of the Board
Philosophy, Goals, Objectives and Comprehensive Plans Title Document Date Concepts and Roles BP 0000 02/14/90 Philosophy BP 0100 02/14/90 Goals / Focus Areas for the School District BP 0200 02/05/09 Goals for Student Learning BP 0210 02/14/90 Nondiscrimination in District Programs and Activities BP 0410 12/11/18 Equity BP 0415 09/24/20 School-Based Management / Site Councils BP 0420 02/14/90 School-Based Management / Site Councils AR 0420 08/22/90 Charter School Authorization BP 0420.4 12/11/18 Charter School Authorization AR 0420.4 12/11/18 Charter School Oversight BP 0420.41 05/09/19 Charter School Renewal BP 0420.42 12/11/18 Charter School Revocation BP 0420.43 12/11/18 Comprehensive Local Plan for Special Education BP 0430 08/26/21 Comprehensive Local Plan for Special Education AR 0430 08/26/21 Comprehensive Safety Plan BP 0450 10/25/18 Local Control and Accountability Plan BP 0460 03/08/18 Local Control and Accountability Plan AR 0460 03/08/18 Accountability BP 0500 01/16/14 School Accountability Report Card BP 0510 12/11/18 Community Relations Title Document Date Concepts and Roles in Community Relations BP 1000 02/28/90 Communication with the Public BP 1100 12/11/18 Media Relations BP 1112 02/15/17 District Sponsored Websites BP 1113 02/15/17 District Sponsored Websites AR 1113 02/15/17 District-Sponsored Social Media BP 1114 12/11/18 District-Sponsored Social Media AR 1114 12/11/18 Commendation and Awards BP 1150 05/10/18 Political Processes BP 1160 05/10/18 Citizen Advisory Committees BP 1220 12/11/18 Citizen Advisory Committees AR 1220 12/11/18 School-Connected Organizations BP 1230 12/11/18 School-Connected Organizations AR 1230 12/11/18 Volunteer Assistance BP 1240 01/20/11 Volunteer Assistance AR 1240 12/11/18 Visitors/Outsiders BP 1250 10/25/18 Visitors/Outsiders AR 1250 01/24/19 Complaints Concerning District Employees BP 1312.1 03/11/99 Complaints Concerning District Employees AR 1312.1 04/14/16 Complaints Concerning Instructional Materials/Library Books BP 1312.2 02/28/90 Complaints Concerning Instructional Materials/Library Books AR 1312.2 03/10/12 Uniform Complaint Procedures BP 1312.3 06/09/22 Uniform Complaint Procedures AR 1312.3 06/09/22 Williams Uniform Complaint Procedures AR 1312.4 12/11/18 Solicitation of Funds From and By Students BP 1321 12/11/18 Advertising and Promotion BP 1325 03/08/18 Civic Center - Use of School Facilities BP 1330 08/10/23 Civic Center - Use of School Facilities AR 1330 08/10/23 Access to District Records BP 1340 05/10/18 Access to District Records AR 1340 02/15/17 Relations between Other Governmental Agencies and the Schools BP 1400 12/11/18 Waivers BP 1431 12/11/18 Relations between Private Industry and the Schools BP 1700 04/19/18 Administration Title Document Date Concepts and Roles BP 2000 12/13/01 Superintendent of Schools BP 2120 12/13/01 Superintendent's Contract BP 2121 06/23/16 Superintendent of Schools: Responsibilities and Duties BP 2122 12/13/01 Superintendent of Schools: Job Description AR 2122 04/11/90 Evaluation of Superintendent BP 2123 12/13/01 Administrative Discretion regarding Board Policy BP 2210 12/11/18 Representative and Deliberative Groups BP 2230 06/22/17 Certificated Person-in-Charge/Principal's Designee BP 2250 04/25/90 Business and Non-Instructional Operations Title Document Date Concepts and Roles BP 3000 05/12/22 Budget BP 3100 05/12/22 Budget AR 3100 05/12/22 Transfer of Funds BP 3110 05/12/22 Lottery Funds BP 3220.1 01/18/01 Transportation Fees BP 3250 11/16/00 Transportation Fees AR 3250 11/16/00 Fees and Charges BP 3260 03/14/13 Fees and Charges AR 3260 01/18/01 Sale and Disposal of Books, Equipment and Supplies BP 3270 12/14/17 Sale and Disposal of Books, Equipment and Supplies AR 3270 12/14/17 Gifts, Grants and Bequests BP 3290 06/23/11 Gifts, Grants and Bequests AR 3290 06/23/11 Expenditures/Expending Authority BP 3300 01/18/18 Bids BP 3311 01/18/18 Bids AR 3311 05/11/23 Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Procedures BP 3311.1 05/11/23 Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Procedures AR 3311.1 05/11/23 Contracts BP 3312 11/16/00 State Allocation Board Contracts AR 3312.11 01/18/01 Payment for Goods and Services BP 3314 09/08/94 Payment for Goods and Services AR 3314 09/08/94 District Revolving Fund BP 3314.2 05/22/91 District Revolving Fund AR 3314.2 01/23/92 Claims and Actions Against the District BP 3320 06/21/18 Claims and Actions Against the District AR 3320 06/21/18 Travel Reimbursement BP 3350 11/10/22 Management of District Assets/Accounts BP 3400 02/08/18 Management of District Assets/Accounts AR 3440 02/08/18 Investing BP 3430 12/14/17 Investing AR 3430 12/11/18 Inventories AR 3440 05/10/18 Petty Cash Funds AR 3451 03/08/18 Student Activity Funds BP 3452 04/18/90 Financial Accountability and Reports BP 3460 11/16/00 Financial Accountability and Reports AR 3460 11/16/00 Debt Issuance and Management BP 3470 03/09/17 Tobacco-Free Schools BP 3513.3 06/21/18 Tobacco-Free Schools AR 3513.3 06/21/18 Environmental Safety BP 3514 06/15/04 Environmental Safety AR 3514 06/15/04 Hazardous Substance Program BP 3514.1 04/18/90 Hazardous Substance Program AR 3514.1 04/18/90 Security BP 3515 04/18/90 Security AR 3515 04/18/90 Crime Data Reporting AR 3515.1 01/18/01 Intruders on Campus BP 3515.2 03/27/91 Intruders on Campus AR 3515.2 03/27/91 Recovery for Property Loss or Damage BP 3515.4 10/13/94 Sex Offender Notification BP 3515.5 01/18/01 Sex Offender Notification AR 3515.5 01/18/01 Criminal Background Checks for Contractors AR 3515.6 01/18/01 Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS/Drones) BP 3515.21 10/13/22 Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS/Drones) AR 3515.21 10/13/22 Emergencies and Disaster Preparedness Plan BP 3516 08/26/21 Emergencies and Disaster Preparedness Plan AR 3516 08/26/21 Emergency Schedules BP 3516.5 01/18/01 Facilities Inspection AR 3517 05/10/18 Electronic Signatures BP 3523 08/24/23 Insurance Management BP 3530 04/25/90 Transportation BP 3540 03/09/23 Transportation AR 3540 11/16/00 Transportation Routes and Services AR 3541 03/09/23 Transportation for School-Related Trips AR 3541.1 11/14/19 Transportation for Students with Disabilities BP 3541.2 01/18/01 Transportation for Students with Disabilities AR 3541.2 01/18/01 Roles and Duties of Employees AR 3542 11/16/00 Transportation: Emergency and Safety Procedures AR 3543 08/13/09 Food Service/Child Nutrition Program BP 3550 02/04/10 Food Service/Child Nutrition Program AR 3550 05/12/16 Food Service Operations/Cafeteria Fund BP 3551 01/21/10 Food Service Operations/Cafeteria Fund AR 3551 01/21/10 Free and Reduced Price Meals BP 3553 06/23/16 Free and Reduced Price Meals AR 3553 06/23/16 Other Food Sales BP 3554 05/09/19 Other Food Sales AR 3554 05/09/19 District Records BP 3580 11/16/00 District Records AR 3580 02/19/04 Personnel Title Document Date Concepts and Roles in Personnel BP 4000 05/02/90 Drug and Alcohol-Free Workplace BP 4020 04/19/18 Pre-Placement Drug/Alcohol Testing BP 4221
BP 432105/27/93 Nondiscrimination in Employment BP 4030 02/12/20 Nondiscrimination in Employment AR 4030 02/12/20 Complaints Concerning Discrimination in Employment AR 4031 11/14/13 Reasonable Accommodation AR 4032 11/08/17 Lactation Accommodation BP 4033 10/25/18 Employee Use of Technology BP 4040 08/13/09 Employee Use of Technology AR 4040 08/13/09 Certificated Personnel BP 4100 05/02/90 Certificated Personnel: Recruitment and Selection BP 4111 05/02/90 Fair Employment BP 4111.1 03/12/20 Legal Status Requirement BP 4111.2
BP 4211.2
BP 4311.212/13/18 Legal Status Requirement AR 4211.2
AR 4311.212/13/18 Appointment and Conditions of Employment 02/12/20 Certificated Personnel: Contracts 05/02/90 Certificated Personnel: Certification 12/08/16 Certificated Personnel: Certification 10/12/17 Certificated Personnel: Interns 06/26/08 Certificated Personnel: Interns AR 4112.21 06/26/08 Certificated/Classified Personnel: Staff Teaching Students of Limited English Proficiency 12/13/07 Certificated Personnel: Special Education Staff AR 4112.23 05/14/20 Health Examinations AR 4112.4 AR 4212.4AR 4312.404/10/08 Employee Drug Testing AR 4212.41AR 4312.4105/14/20 Drug and Alcohol Testing for School Bus Drivers BP 4212.42
BP 4312.4205/14/09 Drug and Alcohol Testing for School Bus Drivers AR 4112.42
AR 4212.42
AR 4312.4212/07/95 Criminal Record Check AR 4112.5
AR 4212.5
AR 4312.511/08/17 Personnel Records BP 4112.6
BP 4212.6
BP 4312.605/02/90 Personnel Files AR 4112.6
AR 4212.6
AR 4312.602/12/20 Employment References BP 4112.61
BP 4212.61
BP 4312.6105/02/90 Employment References AR 4112.61
AR 4212.61
AR 4312.6110/12/17 Maintenance of Criminal Offender Records AR 4112.62 09/21/10 Employment of Relatives BP 4212.8
BP 4312.810/08/20 Employee Notifications BP 4212.9
BP 4312.910/13/16 Certificated Personnel: Assignment BP 4113 12/08/16 Certificated Personnel: Assignment AR 4113 10/08/09 Certificated Personnel: Transfer/Reassignment BP 4114 03/14/19 Certificated Personnel: Evaluation/Supervision BP 4115 03/12/20 Certificated Personnel: Evaluation/Supervision AR 4115 12/08/16 Certificated Personnel: Probationary/Permanent Status BP 4116 03/12/20 Certificated Personnel: Probationary/Permanent Status AR 4116 04/10/97 Certificated Personnel: Retirement BP 4117.1 05/02/90 Certificated Personnel: Early Retirement Consultancy Contracts BP 4117.12
BP 4317.1205/22/91 Certificated Personnel: Early Retirement Consultancy Contracts AR 4117.12
AR 4317.1205/22/91 Certificated Personnel: Resignation BP 4117.2
BP 4317.205/02/90 Certificated Personnel: Personnel Reduction BP 4117.3 03/09/95 Certificated Personnel: Personnel Reduction AR 4117.3 03/09/95 Certificated Personnel: Dismissal BP 4117.4 05/02/90 Termination Agreements BP 4117.5
BP 4217.5
BP 4317.505/02/90 Certificated Personnel: Suspension/Disciplinary Action BP 4118 03/12/20 Certificated Personnel: Rights, Responsibilities and Duties BP 4119 05/02/90 Sexual Harassment BP 4219.11
BP 4319.1102/12/20 Sexual Harassment AR 4119.11
AR 4219.11AR 4319.1102/12/20 Title IX Sexual Harassment Complaint Procedures 08/25/22 Certificated Personnel: Professional Standards/Code of Ethics BP 4119.21 07/17/20 Unauthorized Release of Confidential/Privileged Information 05/02/90 Maintaining Appropriate Adult-Student Interactions BP 4219.24BP 4319.2406/08/23 Political Activities of Employees BP 4219.25
BP 4319.2506/08/23 Political Activities of Employees AR 4219.25
AR 4319.2506/08/23 Certificated Personnel: Duties of Personnel BP 4119.3 05/02/90 Employees with Infectious Disease BP 4219.41
BP 4319.4111/12/20 Infectious Disease Education BP 4219.42
BP 4319.4205/02/90 Certificated Personnel: Temporary and Part-Time Personnel BP 4120 05/02/90 Certificated Personnel: Temporary/Substitute Personnel BP 4121 06/25/15 Certificated Personnel: Student Teachers/University Interns BP 4122 05/22/91 Temporary Athletic Team Coaches BP 4227
BP 432710/12/17 Temporary Athletic Team Coaches AR 4227
AR 432709/14/23 Certificated Personnel: Staff Development BP 4131 05/02/90 Certificated Personnel: Professional Growth BP 4131.5 05/02/90 Publication or Creation of Materials BP 4132
BP 4232
BP 433211/12/09 Meetings BP 4134
BP 4234
BP 433405/02/90 Soliciting and Selling BP 4135
BP 4235
BP 433505/02/90 Nonschool Employment BP 4236
BP 433605/02/90 Certificated Personnel: Tutoring BP 4137 05/02/90 Certificated Personnel: Tutoring BP 4137.1 06/11/92 Certificated Personnel: Psychological Services BP 4137.2 06/11/92 Certificated Personnel: Speech and Language Services BP 4137.3 06/11/92 Certificated Personnel: Mentor Teachers BP 4138 05/02/90 Certificated Personnel: Mentor Teachers AR 4138 05/02/90Certificated/Classified Personnel: Bargaining Units BP 424012/13/07 Certificated/Classified Personnel: Collective Bargaining Agreement BP 424102/07/08 Certificated/Classified Personnel: Concerted Action/Work Stoppage BP 4141.6
BP 4241.605/22/91 Certificated/Classified Personnel: Concerted Action/Work Stoppage AR 4241.605/22/91 Certificated/Classified Personnel: Negotiations/Consultation BP 424302/07/08 Certificated/Classified Personnel: Public Notice - Personnel Negotiations BP 4243.102/07/08 Certificated/Classified Personnel: Public Notice - Personnel Negotiations AR 4143.1
AR 4243.102/07/08 Complaints BP 4144
BP 4244BP 434411/14/13 Complaints AR 4244AR 434405/14/20 Employee Compensation BP 4251BP 435103/09/17 Salary Checks and Deductions BP 4252
BP 435205/02/90 Health and Welfare Benefits BP 4254
BP 435406/12/91 Health and Welfare Benefits AR 4254
AR 435406/12/91 Workers' Compensation Insurance BP 4154.1
BP 4254.1
BP 4354.112/12/12 Illness and Injury Prevention Policy BP 4157
BP 4257
BP 435707/09/92 Employee Safety AR 4257
AR 435710/13/94 Employee Security BP 4158
BP 4258
BP 435805/14/20 Employee Security AR 4158
AR 4258
AR 435805/14/20 Leaves BP 4261
BP 436109/11/97 Leaves AR 426109/11/97 Certificated Personnel: Personal Illness and Injury Leave AR 4361.106/25/15 Certificated Personnel: Industrial Accident/Illness Leave AR 4361.1111/12/09 Personal Leaves AR 4261.2
AR 4361.204/10/08 Military Leave AR 4261.5
AR 4361.509/11/97 Family Care and Medical Leave BP 4161.8 09/11/97 Family Care and Medical Leave AR 4161.8 05/14/20 Catastrophic Leave Program BP 4261.9BP 4361.912/15/22 Catastrophic Leave Program AR 4261.9
AR 4361.912/15/22 Classified Personnel BP 4200 03/12/20 Classified Personnel AR 4200 03/12/20 Classified Personnel: Recruitment and Selection BP 4211 05/02/90 Classified Personnel: Appointment and Conditions of Employment BP 4212 05/02/90 Classified Personnel: Appointment and Conditions of Employment AR 4212 03/09/95 Classified Personnel: Assignment/Classification BP 4213 05/02/90 Classified Personnel: Evaluation/Supervision BP 4215 05/02/90 Classified Personnel: Probationary/Permanent Status BP 4216 11/12/98 Classified Personnel: Resignation BP 4217.2 05/02/90 Classified Personnel: Layoff/Rehire AR 4217.3 05/02/90 All Personnel: Dismissal/Suspension/Disciplinary Action BP 4218 03/12/20 Classified Personnel: Dismissal/Suspension/Disciplinary Action AR 4218 11/18/10 Classified Personnel: Employment Responsibilities BP 4219.2 05/02/90 Classified Personnel: Professional Standards/Code of Ethics BP 4219.21 06/23/16 Classified Personnel: Teacher Aides/Paraprofessionals BP 4222 05/02/90 Classified Personnel: Teacher Aides/Paraprofessionals AR 4222 05/02/90 Classified Personnel: Staff Development BP 4231 05/02/90 Classified Personnel: Personal Illness and Injury Leave AR 4261.1 06/25/15 Classified Personnel: Industrial Accident/Illness Leave AR 4261.11 09/11/97 Management/Supervisory/Confidential Personnel: Administrative and Supervisory Personnel BP 4300 12/13/07 Management/Supervisory/Confidential Personnel: Administrative and Supervisory Personnel AR 4300 12/13/07 Administrative Staff Organization BP 4301 06/22/17 Management/Supervisory/Confidential Personnel: Contracts BP 4312.1 11/08/17 Management/Supervisory/Confidential Personnel: Promotion/Demotion/Reclassification BP 4313.2 04/11/96 Management/Supervisory/Confidential Personnel: Promotion/Demotion/Reassignment AR 4313.2 04/11/96 Management/Supervisory/Confidential Personnel: Transfers BP 4314 01/17/08 Management/Supervisory/Confidential Personnel: Transfers AR 4314 01/17/08 Management/Supervisory/Confidential Personnel: Evaluation/Supervision BP 4315 05/02/90 Management/Supervisory/Confidential Personnel: Staff Evaluating Teachers BP 4315.1 05/08/97 Management/Supervisory/Confidential Personnel: Competence in Evaluation of Teachers AR 4315.1 05/11/95 Management/Supervisory/Confidential Personnel: Personnel Reduction (Layoff/Rehire) BP 4317.3 05/02/90 Management/Supervisory/Confidential Personnel: Personnel Reduction AR 4317.3 06/22/95 Management/Supervisory/Confidential Personnel: Professional Standards/Code of Ethics BP 4319.21 06/23/16 Management/Supervisory/Confidential Personnel: Staff Development BP 4331 05/02/90 Management/Supervisory/Confidential Personnel: Leaves BP 4361 05/02/90
Last Modified on May 21, 2024